Saturday, October 11, 2014

Getting Ready

We will be leaving for Texas in a few days and I am scrambling to make sure I don't forget anything. Warren on the other hand, seems unconcerned. To my dismay, I didn't realize that it is a 3hr flight instead of 2hrs; I am desperately praying that by the grace of God I can get him to nap during this flight.

Ray was making bruschetta. Warren was enjoying the ingredients.

Eating baby wipes for breakfast.

Running free at the park.

He really wanted the foam mat and got himself stuck behind the couch.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Heading to Texas!

Warren and me (Ashley) are off to Texas next month to visit his Great Grandmother. I talked to her on the phone and she was beyond excited. I think she was so excited to see the baby that it made up for her grandson not being able to go. We fly first class with the hopes that the larger seating area will keep him contained for the duration of the 2hr flight.

For fun: Warren likes to climb all over his jumper. This was him getting himself unstuck from an awkward position.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Warren is One!

We had a blast at his birthday party with a special thanks to his cousins Mike and Judith for letting us use their house. It was a pool party which was perfect because it was hot that day. Fun fact: Warren does NOT like chocolate cake. He wouldn't touch the smash cake. Pictures of his party to follow.

As for updates, Warren is walking right now and has pretty much given up crawling. He knows how to say mama (mamama) and his pediatrician said he should be picking up a new word every two weeks. He is 24lbs 10oz which puts him in the 90th percentile for his weight and (I don't remember his height) but he is in the 65th percentile for that. This was also the fun appointment because he got a total of 6 shots and he did very well, all things considered.

Still with the poop face.

Playing with the truck his Uncle Joe and Aunt Nancy got him.

At the doctor's office.

We got to an indoor play place and this is his favorite toy.

He has graduated from the sink to the big boy tub.

Cowboy boots at Target. They were in the girls' section and the stitching may be pink but I don't care because they were too cute.

Trying out carseats at Target.

At the beach.